You can do it. In fact, here's my prediction: you will do it. Question is, when? And in what circumstances?
If you've already stopped, perhaps as a new year's resolution, then congratulations are in order. Keep at it: it gets easier. And it's absolutely worth it. Watch the video above and you'll discover another good reason why.
And if you're still planning to give up, but haven't got around to it, I'm guessing it's for one of four reasons:
You don't believe you can do it;
You don't know how;
You're frightened you won't know what to do with yourself without it, or
You're using it to cope with a bad situation.
You may not actually know for sure which of these, or more than one of these, applies in your case.
But that's OK, because I do - or rather, together you and I can figure out what's going on, and I know what you're going to need to get past your particular challenges. And you know what? I love doing it! I really do love seeing how people come in for their second session and tell me they haven't vaped. Wouldn't you love to have that feeling too?
Give me a call. The number is 0423 793887. No hard sell, I promise. But I want you to know how Hypnosis may be able to help you, so you can make your own mind up. What have you got to lose? Call or text me, book a call back, use the chatbox on my website or drop me an email. Whatever works best for you.